2 Systems for Corporate Wellness Solutions
FAVES System
Experience weight management and digestive health by adding fruits and veggies to every spread.
Food for Life System
Achieve weight loss and improved health with systems created by doctors to reduce chronic illness, weight, and blood pressure.
Recommended supplements for enhanced health and wellness, supporting your journey to better living.
Bonus System: Health Supplements
Championing food justice and enjoyment of fruits and vegetables for staff, employees, groups, everywhere.
Video Gallery (Live & Past Episodes)
Click a video and watch the SuperFood Parents Show to experience live or past episodes featuring Chef LaQuita Marie, a Nutritional Nurse Educator, for healthy recipes, expert interviews, and nutritional health information from doctors.
Become a FAVES100 Hero: Disease Destroyer or Veggie Vixen
Join our community of everyday heroes committed to getting their daily dose of fruits and vegetables to improve their health and well-being.
Veggie Vixen
You don't need a cape to be a SuperFood Parent! We believe that everyone can be a hero for their health. Simply by eating more fruits and vegetables, you become a FAVES100 Hero, fighting disease and boosting your well-being.
Disease Destroyer
Get in Touch
Connect with us for nutrition support and community resources to improve leadership, productivity, and behaviors.